#IOAF I'm Officially A Fan - Ridley Scott's EXODUS: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale

EVERYBODY and I mean EACH and EVERY citizen of the free world, whether a practicing Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist or even an Atheist should SEE this film despite its perceived flaws, real or imagined simply because it ECHOES a most relevant reminder that affects us all today.
A theme that is as timely as today's headlines.

America and the rest of the world - you need to go and see #ExodusGodsAndKings

Egypt, Morocco Ban "Exodus: Gods and Kings". Why? Egyptian authorities disagree with "parting of the Red/Reed Sea" as a "miracle", stress earthquake as likely reason 

We came inside the cinema half-expecting to be underwhelmed by the movie primarily because of our personal reverence to the Cecille B. de Mille's cinematic interpretation of this epic biblical tale. Since "The Ten Commandments", others have tried to make an "updated" version of the Moses story and all (or at least all that we have seen) have paled in comparison.

So we thought that other than the more advanced special effects that "Exodus" would surely exploit, there will be nothing more and nothing better that this film can offer.

We are happy to note that we were wrong. Dead wrong.

Ridley Scott's "EXODUS Gods and Kings" is one of those few Hollywood retelling of important and widely popular stories that has proved itself necessary to be made.

In short, the world needs to see this Moses story in this voice and point of view.

It's thematically daring and critical and does both not by going astray but by staying almost nearly true to the source material.

By doing so, Ridley Scott has made this film passable to the watchful eyes of conservative audiences while at the same time providing the elements of philosophical discourse which the liberals would seek from any religious material presented to them.

"EXODUS Gods and Kings" is an Ancient Tale Made More Relevant as it is Told with the Themes of the Times.

Our Verdict - CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
