World Reacts to US Pres BARACK OBAMA's Weak Fight VS Terrorism - Particularly Islamist Terrorism

"The future must not belong to those who SLANDER the prophet of Islam"

- Barack Hussein Obama II

"We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and set of values." 

- Barack Hussein Obama

source :

Obama refuses to acknowledge ‘Muslim terrorists’ at summit - NYPost

Obama's religious blindness aids Islamic State - USA Today Column

What drives terrorism? So if it's clearly not deprivation that is driving much Islamist terrorism, what is? For that we must turn to ideology, specifically religious ideology. And this is where the Obama administration has to perform some pretzel logic. It is careful to explain that the war on ISIS is not a war on Islam and that ISIS' ideology is a perversion of the religion. Fair enough. But the administration seems uncomfortable with making the connection between Islamist terrorism and ultra-fundamentalist forms of Islam that are intolerant of other religions and of other Muslims who don't share their views to the letter. ISIS may be a perversion of Islam, but Islamic it is, just as Christian beliefs about the sanctity of the unborn child explain why some Christian fundamentalists attack abortion clinics and doctors. But, of course, murderous Christian fundamentalists are not killing many thousands of civilians a year. " - CNN's National Security Analyst Peter

The Ideological Islamist Threat - Wall Street Journal


from: WSJ


'Obama ignoring reality of Islamic terrorism,' deputy minister Bayit Yehudi's Ben-Dahan says after Paris attack remarks - Jerusalem Post

Deputy Religious Services Minister Eli Ben-Dahan. (photo credit:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)


Obama Calls the United State a Muslim Nation
