LETTING GO of Negative Emotions

The Tale of the Gold Box and the Black Box

There once was a Person who had two boxes.
These two boxes were given to the Person by a Teacher.
The Wise Teacher said "Put all your Sorrows in the Black box and all of your Joys in the Gold box."
The Person paid attention to the words of the Teacher and in the two boxes, both sorrows and joys the Person stored.

But overtime, the Person noticed that the Gold box became heavier and heavier while the Black box seemed to remain just as light as before.
So with curiosity, the Person opened the Black box to find out why it was so light.
Upon thorough inspection, the Person found out that at the base of the Black box was a Hole, from which all the Sorrows stored in it had Fallen off.

And so the Person took the Black box, showed its Hole to the Teacher and asked
"I wonder where all my Sorrows could be?"

The Teacher smiled a gentle smile at the Person and replied,
'My child, all your Sorrows are no more."

"So Teacher, why give me two different boxes? Why the Gold box that stored my Joys and why the Black box with a Hole that lost it?"

"My child, the Gold box is for you to Count Your Blessings. And the Black is for You to Let Go."

The 3 Sedona Method Questions

1. Could You LET IT GO?
2. Would You LET IT GO?
3. When?
