#Think It's Not Humanity - We, the People - Who Intends to Destroy the World. Then Who?

"It is not, ultimately, a question of 'humanity destroying itself.' 'Humanity' has no desire to do any such thing. If 'mankind' is destroyed, it will not be by 'man', but a handful of specific individuals whose power, derived from the trust reposed in them, has been mishandled and abused. 

The Arabs, 'en masse', do not wish to destroy Israel, nor did the Israelis, 'en masse', wish to occupy Lebanon. The Argentinians did not collectively decide to invade the Falkland Islands, nor the Russians Afghanistan, nor the Americans to wage war in Vietnam. Nor, for that matter, do the Americans 'en masse' stand behind every act of Ronald Reagan, the Russians behind every act of Mikhail Gorbachov, the British behind every act of Margaret Thatcher, the French behind every act of Francois Mitterrand.  

It is not ultimately 'humanity', but a frighteningly small conclave of political figures - some more or less 'democratically elected', some not - who wield the authority of life and death over the entire planet. Some of them are intelligent and responsible, but some are unimaginative, insensitive, even positively stupid. Some are manifestly incompetent. Some are arguably insane, to one or another degree. 

Yet it is they who, with the signature appended to a document, or even with a single spoken word, can send individuals into battle, can determine people's nationalities, can dictate the circumstances in which one lives, can pronounce where one can go or cannot go, what one can do or cannot do. It is they who, for example, by drawing a line on a paper map, can conjure a 'frontier' into being, a barrier as restrictive and insurmountable as any physical wall. They can even order the construction of a physical wall to mark the fictitious 'frontiers' they have invented. And it is they, not 'humanity' who, if there is indeed to be an apocalypse, will bring it about" 

- Michael Baigent
  Richard Leigh
  Henry Lincoln
  (authors / The Messianic Legacy)
