Four UN Human Rights Freedoms Expounded

For the 2015 celebration of Human Rights Day, the United Nations via Twitter released the images below to highlight its focus on "Four Freedoms".  I'm taking the liberty to expound on a couple of said expression of freedoms.

The 2015 "Four Freedoms in Focus" under the United Nations:

My version:

Any and all Freedoms of Value begin w/ the Freedom to Think, Speak, Question, Analyze, Criticize, Study & Express Ideas without Fear of Harm and Danger on Life or Damage on Property and said Expression is Beyond the Reach and Control of Censorship.

My Version:

Freedom from Fear, Tyranny & Oppression Realized by Freedom to Topple Tyrants and Oppressors

My version:

Freedom to Hold Whatever Beliefs or Opinion My Conscience Dictates AS LONG AS Such Belief HARMS NO OTHER PERSON
