Truth Hurts? #wit #whatithink ©

TRUTH hurts, an adage goes. But then I go, "really?" and "why?"

#WhatIThink Isn't truth the key that opens up the proverbial cage of misinformation, ignorance and/or lies which many find themselves trapped into? (Unless of course one has gotten used to and contented with living in a lie - which I never am and never will be. Ever. #Aries)

So if one agrees that truth frees us from the bondage of misinformation, ignorance and/or lies, shouldn't truth then be seen as more of a cause of happiness and relief than sadness and pain? Why get hurt? Why be offended by Truth?

The Truth does not offend. Lies do. The Lies that we were born into, the lies that we've been told since our innocent days, the lies that are continued to be told even in our adulthood, these Lies are what is truly, without an iota of a doubt, is Offensive.

So in almost all things, I think I will go for Truth - the bare, unadulterated, core, 'non-candy-laced' aka 'sweet talk' laiden, 101% Truth. #AriesInMeAmplified :)

That said, the next logical question to ask is is "HOW do I find the truth?" In anything.

#WhatIThink in finding out the Truth, in anything, a most important and dependable road to take to reach it (truth) is the avenue of Free Speech and Free Expression (kudos Lino Brocka).

Unfortunately though, an perhaps most particularly in today's "easily triggered" generation, any frank and open discussion on any topic of genuine essence can easily be hampered from progressing by just one phrase - "I'm offended."

To which I say again, "Really?! "Why?!"

(to be continued)...
